Iron Man 2 (possible spoilers)

Jstas Posts: 14,872
edited May 2010 in Music & Movies
Yes, I know there is already a thread but I refuse to support or contribute to anything pertaining to that guy.

Anyway, Iron Man 2.

Doesn't follow the comic book at all. In fact, it's the exact opposite.

In the comics Iron man (Tony stark) recruits Nick Fury to S.H.E.I.L.D. not the way it is in the movie. Also, Scarlett Johanssen's character, Natasha Romanoff, otherwise known as "Black Widow" was originally sent to the U.S. with her partner Boris Turgenev to kill Stark and Anton Vanko, Ivan Vanko's father. But, Anton Vanko kills himself and Boris with a messed up laser pistol or something. She goes back to the Soviet union after that and ends up brainwashed by the KGB. She later defects to the U.S. and joins the Avengers as Black Widow. That's not how it is in the movie.

Also, Nick Fury (Sammy Jackson's character). He never had anything to do with The Avengers in the original Iron Man series. Nor did he have anything to do with Thor. Thor was never a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. either.

However, in the alternate Marvel universe "Ultimate Marvel", Thor, Iron Man, Nick Fury and The Black Widow were all part of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Black Widow was a member of the Shadow Team. However, even in the alternate universe, Iron Man was still a founding member of The Ultimates (which was what The Avengers were called in the alternate universe). Thor was also a founding member. In the alternate universe though, instead of The Wasp (aka: Janet Pym) naming the 5 heroes who defeat Loki as The Avengers, Ultimate Nick Fury forms The Ultimates.

It's confusing as hell but honestly, the first movie followed teh comics fairly well. It blended the alternate universe and the original plots fairly well. But now, this is a completely different story. If you are looking to see your favorite comic book come to life, you're going to be disappointed. The movie is a mish-mash of 3 different story lines and two of them conflict. So if you followed the comic books, this one is going to bug the hell out of you. I complain alot about it but it doesn't really bother me that much because at least it's not taking liberties that make things seem silly even for a comic book. For an example of that, watch "The Fantastic Four" and the sequel. They were fun movies to watch but they weren't the Fantastic Four that I read about when I was younger.

If you can get past that like I can, it's a hell of a good ride and a ton of fun! If you are going to see it in a theater, get to a digital theater. The sound effects are an experience all by themselves!

It is one of the few times a sequel ends up better than it's parent. The acting was good and honestly, I thought Mickey Rourke was a pretty good villan. He didn't over play the part and while his "Russian accent" seemed a little forced and contrived at times, he was convincing overall. Not like Obadiah Stane in the first Iron Man film. Bridges was convincing until the "madman" part of his character was revealed and then he got way too over the top in his portrayal and it made me squirm a bit.

So yeah, official recommendation, go see it! If you aren't going to go to the theater for whatever lame reason, it's a good blind buy. Lotsa fun and aside from some bad language and comic book style violence, it's fun for the whole family.
Expert Moron Extraordinaire

You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
Post edited by Jstas on


  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,872
    edited May 2010
    Keiko wrote: »
    You're not his friend, guy! :p

    To the subject, I find this the case with a lot of the comic book characters, John. I'm quessing the studios deviated in an effort to make things more interesting. I dunno, just my opinion. :confused: I try not to focus on these variations and just enjoy the ride.

    Have a nice day. I know I am. :D

    eik, LOL! Thanks for your comments!
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • Ron-P
    Ron-P Posts: 8,520
    edited May 2010
    First, never...ever...ever compare a Hollywood film to it's book, or in this case comic book. You will be disappointed.

    That being said, this was equally as good as the first, very well done.
    Ron dislikes a film = go out and buy it.
    Ron loves a film = don't even rent.