My latest project, 18" Dayton home sub.

zarrdoss Posts: 2,562
I decided to build myself a sub-woofer. I had a Dayton 240 watt plate amp and wanted to go big. I thought of a 15 inch but I have been there and done that so I decided on a 18” Dayton sub from PE. I was given a sheet of ¾” MDF and decided to go with a sealed design. I built it at 4.4 cu ft and braced the hell out of it. I went with a seal design for simplicity and just seem to sound better not to mention its already huge sealed. I don’t have any fancy woodworking tools just a Royobi 18v combo kit and some sanders. I use a piece of aluminum channel that I use for a rip fence and just clamp it on the stock, it works great. I used 2” screws and liquid nails, I recessed the screws so I can fill over them for painting. I got it all together and started sanding I sanded it with a orbital sander, and filled in the screws with wood filler. I rounded off the corners and made my grill and screwed it to the front so when I sanded it would be flush with the box.
I got cheap 97cent flat paint for a primer as it takes a bunch before it actually builds up, MDF soaks it up like a sponge. Heres what I have so far. The sub will be in next week, I will post pics of the progress and finished results.

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