Well, this sucks...

Jstas Posts: 14,804
edited May 2003 in Car Audio & Electronics
...I broke my hand tonight. It's pretty bad too. I have to goto an orthopedic surgeon to get it looked at and make sure everything is kosher. Hurts like hell too. All because my girlfriend was arguing with me. She stormed off and I tried to stop her by grabbing the sleeve of her jacket and she started flailing around and bashed my hand with her elbow and end up twisting 3 of my fingers. So now I have 2 fingers with splits running down the bone, one finger snapped in half and the tendons are strained and one is partially torn. Also, the two fingers that are split have these little bitty fractures all over the balls of the joints. If they don't heal right, my finger joints could fuse and I won't be able to bend my fingers to grab anything anymore. All because she was acting like a baby.

So now I'm looking at rehab and 6-10 weeks of healing time. As long as there is no surgery involved. This really sucks too because I had 4 install jobs lined up to make some extra cash. My brother has 2 friends who wanted work done and I was going to install some stuff in a guy's SUV at work and my friend's dad's boat. I also had piles of OT lined up at work for moving an entire building over teh next 6 weeks. Since I can't lift anything or use any hand tools, I can't do any of that work. Sucks too because now I'm out several grand that I could really use.

Sometimes I really think that God has it in for me and is just sitting up there laughing at me.
Expert Moron Extraordinaire

You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
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  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited May 2003
    .... go see "Bruce Almighty" -- you'll find it hilarious and oddly somewhat of a parallel to your situation.

    Women have a way of acting like absolute jackasses on occasion.

    ... you don't do **** and then they have a temper tantrum, and in one way or another something ends up smashed, trashed, broken, whatever all in your attempt to keep them from flying off the handle.

    The world needs less estrogen.

    I'll tell ya tho - she's gotta have some frickin strength man if she busted 3 of your fingers. Whatta you feedin that woman... RX Fuel? (now with added taurine).

    at least u get paid for installs though -- i get stuck doing them for people for free. **** i've got like 15 free installs under my belt.
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,804
    edited May 2003
    Actually, we were going to see Bruce Almighty before she broke me.

    She really isn't that strong. She just got lucky because my hand was in a weird position and she hit me and pulled her jacket away with all her weight into it. Fingers can't take pressure like that and when they are twisted and get pounded, they tend to give up the ghost.

    She isn't all that strong though. She was pulling with all her might and couldn't break my grip until her erratic swing busted my hand. I'm alot stronger than I look. I'm 5 foot 7 and about 160-165 but alot of it is muscle. I could stand to lose 15 pounds of beer gut though.

    As far as getting paid for installs goes, I have quite a few freebies under my belt. But I can't stand my brother's punk-**** friends who all want to go boom-boom. Buncha posers. Also, I only do stuff for people that I work with. Just because they work atthe same place doesn't mean I work with them. I will certainly do the work for a much lower rate than the stores but I'll also take longer. But I don't just install. I tell them what I am doing and why.
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited May 2003
    that does suck
    i broke my finger last november and i still cant pop it
    and i cant move it to quick or itll hurt...
    and i stretched a tendon too
    but mine doesnt sound nearly as bad as yours
    good luck with the healing process!
  • Jstas
    Jstas Posts: 14,804
    edited May 2003
    Actually, I went to he doctor yesterday. the resident doc at the hospital read teh x-rays wrong and what he though was split bones was sparined tendons and pulled muscles. He wasn't a very good doc.

    I only have 1 broken bone. The others are jammed and sprained. The jamming will go away when teh swelling goes down teh doc said and my one broken finger is splinted and should be feeling better in about 3-4 weeks. He also said he sees no reason why I wouldn't make a full recovery and does not think that surgery will be necessary at all. I will most likely need rehab though he said. I personally doubt it. A couple of days on the souch playing video games and I'll be good as new! ;)

    Anyway, the prognosis looks to be much better and I'm not as bad off as I thought I was. I think I'll go kick the ER resident guy in the teeth. Ah hell, he was just an intern. I guess I can forgive him just this once!

    Glad I didn't have a stroke or something! :rolleyes: :p:)
    Expert Moron Extraordinaire

    You're just jealous 'cause the voices don't talk to you!
  • sntnsupermen131
    sntnsupermen131 Posts: 1,831
    edited May 2003
    being an intern and ive been told before x rays become clearer over time so maybe that had to do with it to
  • PoweredByDodge
    PoweredByDodge Posts: 4,185
    edited May 2003
    xrays need to "develop" like film - kinda like a polaroid -- so if he read them before they were fully developed then bingo... or maybe he's just a damned "newbie" to medicine ..lol...

    very glad to hear you're not totally **** outta luck -- be careful with video games u may end up with carpul tunnel syndrome and never be able to wack off again.

    *sending virtual flowers to Jersey*
    best wishes :)
    The Artist formerly known as PoweredByDodge