Tension-Release and Random Thoughts

Posts: 9,312
Over the years a number of CP threads and posts have both seriously and jokingly talked about the ritual(s) we might have when heading off to our rigs for some enjoyment, all nature of things, from frothy drinks to special smoking jackets.
I am certainly guilty of repeating certain behaviors when heading to the Rabbit Hole, which a few of you are in fact aware of, but no matter that.
Given a fundametal of music requires building of tension and then its release, I wonder how or even if the actual rituals play a part in this for each of us?? Consider, those posts where occasionally a member will say that for some reason the music just did not feel right, or envelope them as it usually does, perhaps then the tension/release which should be consistent (for the most part) with the same music and rig lies within the actual listener and their physical state or perhaps a part of the ritual was missed for some reason.
So how do you feel about the building of Tension in music and then its Release??
I recognize that many here now place ease of use as a high priority for their enjoyment of music, whereas I generally do not, perhaps ease equates for me with a lack of my "ritual" and may be the reason I have shunned the newer technologies for the old. I am sure though part of my case is simply that the computer is a work tool and having anything like it in my music room is just something I avoid.
All stuff, spinning round the dark corridors of the big Audio Rabbit Hole and although each can be represented as different issues somehow intertwined, at least for me.
How about you????
I am certainly guilty of repeating certain behaviors when heading to the Rabbit Hole, which a few of you are in fact aware of, but no matter that.
Given a fundametal of music requires building of tension and then its release, I wonder how or even if the actual rituals play a part in this for each of us?? Consider, those posts where occasionally a member will say that for some reason the music just did not feel right, or envelope them as it usually does, perhaps then the tension/release which should be consistent (for the most part) with the same music and rig lies within the actual listener and their physical state or perhaps a part of the ritual was missed for some reason.
So how do you feel about the building of Tension in music and then its Release??
I recognize that many here now place ease of use as a high priority for their enjoyment of music, whereas I generally do not, perhaps ease equates for me with a lack of my "ritual" and may be the reason I have shunned the newer technologies for the old. I am sure though part of my case is simply that the computer is a work tool and having anything like it in my music room is just something I avoid.
All stuff, spinning round the dark corridors of the big Audio Rabbit Hole and although each can be represented as different issues somehow intertwined, at least for me.
How about you????
Post edited by reeltrouble1 on
...huh?"Dr Dunn admitted that his research could also be interpreted as evidence that women are shallower than men. He said: "Let's face it - there's evidence to support it."Best Buy is for people who don't know any better. Magnolia is for people who don't know any better and have more money to spend.
TV: SAMSUNG UN55B7000 55" 1080p LED HDTV
HTPC: Chromecast w/ Plex Media Server. Media streamed from Media Server. -
I hear ya.
I want to hear my system or watch TV and Movies ...WITHOUT...distortion.
That's my quest and when I start a session of either my anxiety will almost always be eased.
That SACD of the "Carpenters greatest hits" really put me at ease and I'm about to see 1080p here at home. I've almost always had great sound systems so I don't even remember what low fidelity sounds like anymore.;)Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
Is the ritual involved with listening to music the beginning, or the end? Does the ritual really start with searching for, selecting, and preparing your favored media? Is the listening ritual stand-alone, or is it a continuation of the overall ritual that begins when your passion is ignited to search for new music?DKG999
HT System: LSi9, LSiCx2, LSiFX, LSi7, SVS 20-39 PC+, B&K 507.s2 AVR, B&K Ref 125.2, Tripplite LCR-2400, Cambridge 650BD, Signal Cable PC/SC, BJC IC, Samsung 55" LED
Music System: Magnepan 1.6QR, SVS SB12+, ARC pre, Parasound HCA1500 vertically bi-amped, Jolida CDP, Pro-Ject RM5.1SE TT, Pro-Ject TubeBox SE phono pre, SBT, PS Audio DLIII DAC -
Not ALL music deserves a ritual or unique preparations...however for me (as documented in an earlier post) some listening sessions are EVEN BETTER when the mood is correct."Just because youre offended doesnt mean youre right." - Ricky Gervais
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." - Stuart Chase
"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago." - Bernard Berenson -
Is the ritual involved with listening to music the beginning, or the end? Does the ritual really start with searching for, selecting, and preparing your favored media? Is the listening ritual stand-alone, or is it a continuation of the overall ritual that begins when your passion is ignited to search for new music?
:rolleyes:That is a great set of questions pertaining to the OP.;)
I feel the the same way. When does it begin?Most people just listen to music and watch movies. I EXPERIENCE them. -
some listening sessions are EVEN BETTER when the mood is correct.
Very True!! I have noticed this many times. There are times I think something is wrong with my rig "it just don't sound like it did the other day" I do beleive your mood plays a role in your enjoyment of music. -
Shack your post did get me thinking about this, so your dressed up in charachter, ready to swing and have some fun, you pour the adult drink or even an ice tea, then plop down in your chair, but wait, that is it, the drink sits idly, you sit doing nothing, no music plays.......in your present state how long could that go on?, surely the tension would build to even maddening levels, until released, but once released it would seem inevitable that it rebuild in some form.
Life is conceived under the tension release continuum, Artists use it to express feeling, seems it is fundamental to understanding and enjoying the art form of music. I do find myself now listening for it in the music the build the release, understanding their texture, still outside that but perhaps the before ritual is simple preparation but I do suspect it plays some part for the serious hobbiest in their overall enjoyment of the music.
Hard to say when it begins......if your thinking about your rig and music at 9:00 a.m. or ever 7:59 a.m at its going to be 5:00 p.m. before you get to it.........tough hobby.