Signal Cable Digital Coax

acmf74 Posts: 937
I'm trying to decide on a Digital Coax cable for my rig. My question is would I get more detail in the Silver Resolution line or would the the SPDI/F Digital Coax suffice?
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  • Erik Tracy
    Erik Tracy Posts: 4,673
    edited April 2010
    acmf74 wrote: »
    I'm trying to decide on a Digital Coax cable for my rig. My question is would I get more detail in the Silver Resolution line or would the the SPDI/F Digital Coax suffice?

    From what devices?

    H9: If you don't trust what you are hearing, then maybe you need to be less invested in a hobby which all the pleasure comes from listening to music.
  • acmf74
    acmf74 Posts: 937
    edited April 2010
    Adcom GFR-700 AVR

    Adcom GCD-600 CD player.

    Polk LSi15 fronts.

  • thsmith
    thsmith Posts: 6,082
    edited April 2010
    You should. I have this cable which beat out all that I tried but never tried a signal cable.

    Can be had for less than $200 1 meter used.
    Speakers: SDA-1C (most all the goodies)
    Preamp: Joule Electra LA-150 MKII SE
    Amp: Wright WPA 50-50 EAT KT88s
    Analog: Marantz TT-15S1 MBS Glider SL| Wright WPP100C Amperex BB 6er5 and 7316 & WPM-100 SUT
    Digital: Mac mini 2.3GHz dual-core i5 8g RAM 1.5 TB HDD Music Server Amarra (memory play) - USB - W4S DAC 2
    Cables: Mits S3 IC and Spk cables| PS Audio PCs
  • acmf74
    acmf74 Posts: 937
    edited May 2010
    I decided to go with the SPDI/F Digital Coax. I only listed to it for an hour. So far the clarity is great on it and I did notice some bass improvement. Nice product.