Other Italian made monitor speakers

Tomasito Posts: 142
edited April 2010 in Speakers
What are other italian made monitor speakers out there?
I only know 2, which are sanus faber and opera.
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  • LuSh
    LuSh Posts: 887
    edited April 2010
    Aliante Zeta (one of my favorite speakers at one time) sound superb. The electronics were much more costly then the speakers themselves however.


    BlueNote also makes some nice stuff, I still preferred the cheaper Aliante speakers however. I listened to the Ducales, I had the luxury of having a buddy (gear head) who decided he wanted to visit most of what Italy had to offer in terms of gear one summer.

    I had heard his Opera's many times, and I was never a fan. They were very clinical sounding for an Italian design. Same electronics as the Aliante Zeta's which at the time included a Bluenote Demidoff Signature integrated amplifier with an Ayon CD-1 MK II.
  • Tomasito
    Tomasito Posts: 142
    edited April 2010
    The reason I am asking this becasue I am looking into upgrading my speakers. My budget would be $2,000 max.

    What can you guys recommend?