Distance from the rt800i to the wall?

newsman Posts: 200
edited November 2001 in Technical/Setup
Hey guys, haven't had a chance to setup my speakers all correctly in the new place, but at least I can set them up whenever I want - which means I finally could do things right. What are you thoughts on the proper distance to the wall and the relative angle at which rt800 should be aimed. Since all I'm doing is the classic setup for the speakers, maybe a lot of you could suggest me what you think are the optimal numbers. I let you know what I come up with as soon as I have a chance to play with them.


  • Aaron
    Aaron Posts: 1,853
    edited November 2001
    Well, as everyone else will likely say, you're going to have to play around yourself. There are so many factors to consider that it's mind-boggling, not the least of which is your personal preference and the ever-present WAF (wife approval factor). From my experience, get the RT800's away from the walls, at least 2', preferably 3'. Here's a really good link to give you the general speaker positioning tips.

    Cardas room positioning

    Polk also has a document you can downlad here:
    Polk setup
