Probally been posted before! Past and Present Gear?

Posts: 28,986
edited August 2006 in Speakers
Yeah, I am curious... lol

Lets see...

Speakers -

Definitive Tech BP10B (Current)
Definitive Tech BP6B
Polk Audio RTi70
Polk Audio RT5
Polk Audio RT35i
Polk Audio RT25i
Polk Audio CS245i
M&K MX90
KLH 900B
SVS PCi 22-31 (Current)
Behringer B2030A (Or something)
B&W DM 303
Definitive Tech CLR1000
Advent "Vintage" "New" (10" Woofs)

Amps -
Adcom GFA-545
Adcom GFA-545 II
Adcom GFA-535
Adcom GFA-535 II (2)
Soundcraftsmen PCR800
B&K ST 125.2

Preamp -

B&K PT5 (Current)
Klipsch Promedia Decoder
NAD Pro Logic 917

Receivers -

Pioneer Elite VSX 41
Yamaha HTR 5460
Sony POS Receiver - Entry Level

Integrated -
Marantz 1040 (Current)

Yamaha CD 585 or something
Onix XCD 88 (Current)
Denon DCM 280

Pioneer Mid Grade
Panasonic DVD 35
Cambridge Audio Azur 540D (Current)

Tuners -
Sansui T9 (Current)

Cables -

Signal Cable Classic Single Run
Signal Cable Prem XLR Vr2
Signal Cable Analog II (Current)
Zebra Cable Power Cable (Current)
Monster Powerline 300 (2) (Current)
Monster SP1000 XLR (2) (Current)
- Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit.
Post edited by VR3 on


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  • Posts: 5,647
    edited August 2006
    Hell I wish I could remember it all! Let's just categorize it as "a bunch"!
    HT System: LSi9, LSiCx2, LSiFX, LSi7, SVS 20-39 PC+, B&K 507.s2 AVR, B&K Ref 125.2, Tripplite LCR-2400, Cambridge 650BD, Signal Cable PC/SC, BJC IC, Samsung 55" LED

    Music System: Magnepan 1.6QR, SVS SB12+, ARC pre, Parasound HCA1500 vertically bi-amped, Jolida CDP, Pro-Ject RM5.1SE TT, Pro-Ject TubeBox SE phono pre, SBT, PS Audio DLIII DAC
  • Posts: 505
    edited August 2006
    Heh, I'll play. Listed in order of purchase date; oldest dates first. If a "(C)" is next to an item then I currently own it. Probably missed an item or two but here goes:

    Ascend CMT-340
    Ascend CBM-170
    Hsu STF-2 (subwoofer)
    Polk LSi 9
    Polk LSi 7
    Polk LSi 15
    Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference Monitors
    Tannoy Eyris DC3
    Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signature Monitors
    Legacy Audio Signature III (C)

    Power Amps / Receivers:
    Harmon Kardon AVR-225
    Denon AVR-3805
    Outlaw Audio M200 x2
    PS Audio HCA-2
    Sunfire Signature 600-II (C)

    PS Audio PCA-2
    BAT VK-5i (C)

    Headphone Amps / Preamps (most headamps also serve as Preamps):
    Headroom Total Airhead
    Headroom Little
    Headamp Gilmore V2
    Headamp Gilmore V2SE
    Headroom Supreme w/ premium module
    Audio Valve RKV Mk II
    Ray Samuels Emmeline SR-71
    Ray Samuels Emmeline HR-2
    Headroom Max (1997)
    Singlepower SDS (C)
    Sugden Headmaster (C)
    Audio Technica AT-HA2002 (Stolen)
    Melos SHA-Gold Reference (C)
    Berning microZOTL (C)

    Sennheiser HD580
    Sennheiser HD497
    Sennheiser HD600
    Grado SR-225
    Sennheiser HD650
    AKG K340
    Grado HP-2
    AKG K340
    AKG K1000
    AKG K271s
    Grado RS-2
    AKG K340 (C)
    Koss Porta-Pro (C)
    Audio-Technica L3000 (C)
    Audio-Technica W2002 (Stolen)
    Audio-Technica L3000 (C)
    Audio-Technica W10VTG
    Audio-Technica W2002 (C)
    Grado HF-1
    Grado RS-1
    Grado HP-2 (C)
    Audio-Technica W11JPN (C)

    Turtle Beach Santa Cruz soundcard
    Panasonic RP-91 DVD
    RME digi96/8 PAD soundcard
    Jolida JD100A CD
    Denon DVD-2910 (C)
    Bel Canto DAC2
    ESI Juli@ soundcard (C)
    Meridian G08 CD (C)

    Apartment living at its finest :D
    Tannoy Dimension TD10, SOTA Star Sapphire, Heathkit W4A's, McIntosh MC2100, Eddie-Current Zana Deux, Singlepower SDS, Sennheiser HD650, Audio-Technica L3000, Sony Qualia 010
  • Posts: 34,188
    edited August 2006
    I don't have the patience or memory to even list the present gear. I will say that in the period from 1977-79, I bought a Yamaha CA-610II, a pair of Polk Monitor 7A's, a Yamaha T-550 tuner, and a Philips AF-877 tt... and I still have (and use) all of them (the Polks and the Yamaha are still used regularly). I chose stuff carefully then and it has paid off.
  • Posts: 12,518
    edited August 2006
    Well, my list is going to be really short...and full of bad stuff... 'C' means something I still own and use...though maybe not in the main rig...

    Sony (from bookshelf system)
    Klipsch RF-35 C

    Yamaha RX-V1400
    ASL Wave 8 C
    ASL Wave 20 C

    Yamaha RX-V1400 C
    Parasound P/HP-850

    Panasonic portable CDP and portable cassette player
    Rotel RCD-02 C
    Yamaha KX-W900U C
    Jstas wrote: »
    Simple question. If you had a cool million bucks, what would you do with it?
    Wonder WTF happened to the rest of my money.
    In Use
    PS3, Yamaha CDR-HD1300, Plex, Amazon Fire TV Gen 2
    Pioneer Elite VSX-52, Parasound HCA-1000A
    Klipsch RF-82ii, RC-62ii, RS-42ii, RW-10d
    Epson 8700UB

    In Storage
    [Home Audio]
    Rotel RCD-02, Yamaha KX-W900U, Sony ST-S500ES, Denon DP-7F
    Pro-Ject Phono Box MKII, Parasound P/HP-850, ASL Wave 20 monoblocks
    Klipsch RF-35, RB-51ii

    [Car Audio]
    Pioneer Premier DEH-P860MP, Memphis 16-MCA3004, Boston Acoustic RC520
  • Posts: 17,986
    edited August 2006
    I can't man, no friggin way. Just to list TUNERS, I'd be up all night, and still forget some.
    Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
  • Posts: 25,576
    edited August 2006
    I'm not on a Russman level, but this list is just not possible for me either.

    Enjoy what you find, take pictures and move it down the road. Who cares about the why and how of the gear but make sure you save some data.

    The real fun is in low level gear, the pieces you don't think are worth anything, don't ever forget that.
    CTC BBQ Amplifier, Sonic Frontiers Line3 Pre-Amplifier and Wadia 581 SACD player. Speakers? Always changing but for now, Mission Argonauts I picked up for $50 bucks, mint.
  • Posts: 1,084
    edited August 2006
    I'll start by listing Polks that could be considered as L/R mains:

    RTi150 (for about a week at most)
    SDA CRS+
    DS7200 system
  • Posts: 7,433
    edited August 2006
    SDA SRS 2
    Carver Amazings*
    Boston A40

    Carver m1.5t
    Hafler 220
    Sunfire Ref. Stereo*
    Some integrate HK
    Onkyo AVR TXSR 600
    Little Dot 2 (Headphone Amp)
  • Posts: 19,537
    edited August 2006
    Tons, since about 1974...I've got IC's older than you Sid.
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • Posts: 19,537
    edited August 2006
    Ok, thats no fun, I'll list some high-lights from 1974, on:

    Soundcraftsmen A5002 power amp
    Soundcraftsmen PM-840 (2) power amps
    Carver M500T
    Sumo something-something power amp (Athena??) Hell i don't remember
    Yamaha C-60, C-85 pres
    Carver C-1, C-2 pres
    Harmon Kardon Pre 865??? 1985'ish
    Yamaha TX-1000 tuner
    Carver TX-11 tuner
    Pioneer umm, ahhh...silver era tuner
    Infinity RS-IIIb speaks
    Bose 901 Series VI speaks
    AR9Lsi speaks
    Polk speaks...ahh...Monitor 12??, Monitor 5jr+, SDA-CRS
    AR58, AR78 speaks
    Pinnacle CGT's speaks
    Pioneer HPM-40 speaks
    Pioneer HPM-900 speaks
    Teac Z6000 cassette deck (VERY cool)
    Teac X2000RBL Reel to Reel (w/DBX pro)
    Yamaha PF-800 TT
    Yamaha PX-3??? linear tracking TT (VERY cool)
    Pioneer Linear tracking TT model??
    Pioneer SX-780 receiver (man how I loved this thing, my first real piece of hi-fi)
    Pioneer CTX-500, CTX-750 cassette deck
    Nakamichi BX303??? UDAR cassette deck model is probably wrong..(opened, spun tape around, closed)

    ...ah hell the list goes on and on...
    Source: Bluesound Node 2i - Preamp/DAC: Benchmark DAC2 DX - Amp: Parasound Halo A21 - Speakers: MartinLogan Motion 60XTi - Shop Rig: Yamaha A-S501 Integrated - Shop Spkrs: Elac Debut 2.0 B5.2
  • Posts: 13,415
    edited August 2006
    1981-1990 Some Sony speakers, receiver, & turntable. Radio Shack Tape Deck.

    Feb 6 1990 Polk RTA-8T, Rotel 850 Amplifier, Rotel 850 Preamp, Rotel 855 CD player, Onkyo Tape Deck.

    Oct 25 2001 Denon 3802 Receiver.

    May 18 2002 Pioneer DVD/SACD player, Boston Accoustic Center channel, & subwoofer.

    From May to June 2004 Parasound 2 channel amp & I purchased from members here Outlaw Monoblock & FXi 3 speakers.

    November 2004 I purchased from Doro LSI 7's for my brothers Xmass present.

    May 20 2005, Rotel 1072 CD player.

    July 25 2006 Sunfire Cinema Grande 5 channel amp (curtesy of Screename).

    I have all of it except for the 16 yr old Rotel equipment which now resides with my brother.
    Marantz AV-7705 PrePro, Classé 5 channel 200wpc Amp, Oppo 103 BluRay, Rotel RCD-1072 CDP, Sony XBR-49X800E TV, Polk S60 Main Speakers, Polk ES30 Center Channel, Polk S15 Surround Speakers SVS SB12-NSD x2


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