Free Musician List

jtfml Posts: 2
edited March 2002 in Music & Movies
Free Musician List

*Find the Musicians You’re Looking For
*Find the Bands You’re Looking For
*Find the Used Equipment You’re Looking For
*Upload Your Band’s Photo and Original Song
*Have Your Band Featured on our Front Page
*Enter Your Band’s Gig Info

We help you get “hooked up”, for free! You can search by talent, skill level, style, influences, location, and availability. You can list gig information, link to your web site, make your song clip available for download or streaming, and more.

Free Musician List is an opportunity for musicians to mingle, find other musicians to jam with, be sought out by other musicians, list their bands so that other people can find them, showcase their music, read product reviews submitted by other musicians or submit their own, read tips submitted by other musicians or submit their own, and advertise or search for used equipment. All this is free of charge.

This was a service that we felt was needed on the internet, at least in our area, and we decided to include the rest of the country as well. It depends very heavily on word-of-mouth advertising (or your printing out the “cards” to hand out to friends, relatives, music store clerks, and bar managers). The more people you tell about it, the better selection you’ll have to choose from, and the more exposure your band will get. We hope you have a good experience with Free Musician List, but either way, we want to hear from you.
JT - Free Musician List

May your search be fruitful,
and your notes be musical.
Post edited by jtfml on
