New tubes!

Posts: 12,434
I've been pretty happy with the original 6922 tubes in the preamp and the EL34 Sovtecs in the Manly amps but I went ahead and ordered some Russian 6922's and Shaguang EL34B's from The Tube Store.
I got them a few days ago and installed the new 6922's. The preamp now has a little less hiss and no longer spits at me. I miss that a little but quiet is very nice. I'm pretty happy with The Tube Store. They recommended these particular tubes for the Modulus 3A preamp and I must say they are performing well.
The EL34's will be replaced in a few days. I want to hear whatever the differences are with the preamp tubes before replacing the ones in the amps. I normally dislike Sovtecs but the ones currently in the Manley's seem to work well. I just feel the need to try the Shaguang Chinese tubes.
Nothing like having new tubes laying around...
I got them a few days ago and installed the new 6922's. The preamp now has a little less hiss and no longer spits at me. I miss that a little but quiet is very nice. I'm pretty happy with The Tube Store. They recommended these particular tubes for the Modulus 3A preamp and I must say they are performing well.
The EL34's will be replaced in a few days. I want to hear whatever the differences are with the preamp tubes before replacing the ones in the amps. I normally dislike Sovtecs but the ones currently in the Manley's seem to work well. I just feel the need to try the Shaguang Chinese tubes.
Nothing like having new tubes laying around...
Vinyl, the final frontier...
Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want...
Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want...

Post edited by madmax on
Awesome. Let me know how the Shaguang's sound. I'd like to try them on the Dyna. The only current production EL-34 tubes I haven't tried are the Chinese and Ei Big Bottle.
Did you get the "wet" spitting sound or "dry" spitting? I really enjoy the "wet" splashy sound I get with the Mullard 12AU7. I also get it with the SED EL34.
Maurice -
I'm really not sure. It sounds a little wet maybe but I've only heard one type. When I first turn it on I always have to flick a tube to make it stop. Somehow it seems cool.
madmaxVinyl, the final frontier...
Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... -
That's cool. Can't remember where I read it, I think it was one the tubestore's site for EL34 reviews where the reviewer mentioned that the Chinese EL34 tubes had the best build quality out of all current production EL34. You also hear that a lot about the SED too. I think they're the exact same tubes as the "Golden Dragon" which was popular a few years back. I'm bringing in the Dyna for restoration within 2 weeks. Once that's done, I'm going on a tube rolling frenzy again:D.
Glad the Sovtek is working out for you. I was very happy with their 12AX7 signal tube. Does your pre have SET output like Russman's?
Can't wait to hear your about the Shaguangs.
Have you tried any other EL34 on your amp?
Got a question for you. One of my SED EL34 have a very faint glow near the bottom of the plate. The area is quite small and the glow is barely visible even with all the lights out. Should I worry about this? Doesn't seem to be affecting sound quality.
Maurice -
Here they are.
Ralph Karsten (of the Atma-Sphere OTL Karsten's) custom made these two tube mono block amps for a 'kid' (college student) some 20+ odd years ago.
Those are 12" floor tiles in the background for size reference.
What we see here is rare(r) Dynaco MKII Iron, mated to an Altec-style front end 12Ax7 and 6FQ7. Dual 6550's are the power tubes (KT88's can be used if you prefer), with a 5AR4 rectifier. I THINK I got that all written down correctly.
Other features, has a heater switch (filament voltage), followed by a B+ for a 'soft start'. PURE copper binding posts, and a Tiffany RCA connector. Output is rated at 60w continous, they bias at .95v.
I'll be bringing these to the Bottlehead meet this weekend in Austin, and YES, they are for sale. $750 for the pair takes them home, and makes them yours. I'd REALLY like to keep them, but I've got a deal on some Spendor 1/2's I just can't pass up.
Sorry for the hi-jack Chuck, just a shame this forum wouldn't know good sound if it clobbered and killed them. I figured Maurice would be the one to respond to your thread, good guy. You should hop over to AK, a little more your speed, if you follow.
RussCheck your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
LOL There's not too many tube lovers here. Do you post at AK?
Can we have an **** shot please. Those amps look killer. Did you get to try them out on your SDA? KT88's are suppose to have a lot of guts.
Maurice -
No, mono's and SDA's aren't a good mix - not in my house.
6550's bro, you CAN use 88's if you please. **** shot, damn near $400 in tubes alone....Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
Wtf, right? More...
Yes, GE 6550's, an RCA cleartop and Amperex. F me running.Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service. -
Rectification, and a damn good choice at that...Check your lips at the door woman. Shake your hips like battleships. Yeah, all the white girls trip when I sing at Sunday service.
Congrats on new tubes. Man I am so diggin tubes these days in my two channel rig.
Sovtec 12AX7LPS signal tubes I like those too Organ. A little more sparkle in them than the Svetlana 12AX7s that I have.
Man those are awesome. Amperex and RCA Clear Tops..DROOL...I'd REALLY like to keep them, but I've got a deal on some Spendor 1/2's I just can't pass up.
Dude, have you listened to them yet? In addition to my LSi's and Monitor 10s, I own two pair of Spendors including the legendary BC1s that I bagged last week. Incredible midrange that will make you weak in the knees. All Spendors that I have heard do midrange oh so well. If you like your Polk Monitors the Spendors will take it to the next level. Spendors love tubes too. -
My preamp operates in class A which I think means it is a single ended triode but I'm not sure. The amps have a switch for tetrode or triode mode. I always use the triode mode because it sounds better. They are 65 watts per channel in triode mode or 135 watts per channel in tetrode mode. Not much difference in power between the two settings but triode mode sounds better.
I wouldn't worry about a little glow. I've had several tubes with various glows but never had one go bad.
madmaxVinyl, the final frontier...
Avantgarde horns, 300b tubes, thats the kinda crap I want... -
Thanks for sharing the pics with us. Those are some serious amps. Someone is going to be very, very happy. Killer old tubes in there too. Is that a Mullard rectifier tube?
Wow! I was just telling Derick on his thread about converting my ST-70 to triode from pentode. Very simple, it only takes about 10 mins. How does triode operation sound on your amp sound compared to tetrode? My power output will decrease to about 10w/ch but should still be plenty for the Klipsch because they're 98db/w/m.
Thanks for the info on the glowing plate. I love the glow on tubes (not the plate). I like the glow on my EH 6CA7. You can see nice blue spots on the glass which is a sign of good vacuum.