Dreadnought Case SDA's

Posts: 17,444
Okay so I now have these in house, and just need to put them together, they are now officially For Sale...
$100.00 Shipped, PayPal FF Preferred, if you need to pay in a different way PM me and we can discuss.
Pics are below, they came out pretty badass with just doing the powder coat, sorry the anodizing was just not going to work out due to cost, and our vendor having plating issues as of late, Brian actually had issues getting some of his parts back looking nice for his TT Project..
I would like everyone in the Group Buy to have first shot at these, I built 30 of them, and a couple guys are going to use there old cases so there will or should be a few extra at the end just in case someone outside the group buy wanted one, but lets give the guys in the group buy first shot..
Thank You!!!!!

$100.00 Shipped, PayPal FF Preferred, if you need to pay in a different way PM me and we can discuss.
Pics are below, they came out pretty badass with just doing the powder coat, sorry the anodizing was just not going to work out due to cost, and our vendor having plating issues as of late, Brian actually had issues getting some of his parts back looking nice for his TT Project..
I would like everyone in the Group Buy to have first shot at these, I built 30 of them, and a couple guys are going to use there old cases so there will or should be a few extra at the end just in case someone outside the group buy wanted one, but lets give the guys in the group buy first shot..
Thank You!!!!!

Post edited by Toolfan66 on
Sweet, thanks Larry!!!
I believe I still have your PP address. Payment forthcoming.
@verb Dave, PM coming your way as well, you gracious SOB -
As you know Larry I'm in. I'll send you a pm for specifics later.
Definitely in on one of these! Pm sent for your paypal info...thanks Larry!
Those look perfect !!!
PM sent.Carver M4.0t, M1.0t, M200t, TX2, C1, C2, Marantz 2230, 2010, 4070, 1030, APPJ 2013, Rega Brio, Marantz Imperial 7's, Klipsch Heresy III, Quartets, KG4's, KG1's, 'The Sixes', R-12SW, Polk SDA 2a's, Monitor 7cTL's, SDA CRS's, 4a's, Zu Audio Dirty Weekends, Pro-ject Acryl TT, Cambridge 851N, 351C, Panamax 5300PM -
I'm in for one...thank you again.
I still want one, PM coming.
I’m in!Basement: Polk SDA SRS 1.2tl's, Cary SLP-05 Pre with ultimate upgrade,McIntosh MCD301 CD/SACD player, Northstar Designs Excelsio DAC, Cambridge 851N streamer, McIntosh MC300 Amp, Silnote Morpheus Ref2, Series2 Digital Cables, Silnote Morpheus Ref2 Series2 XLR's, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Pangea Power Cables, MIT Shotgun S3 IC's, MIT Shotgun S1 Bi-Wire speaker cables
Office: PC, EAR Acute CD Player, EAR 834L Pre, Northstar Designs Intenso DAC, Antique Sound Labs AV8 Monoblocks, Denon UDR-F10 Cassette, Acoustic Technologies Classic FR Speakers, SVS SB12 Plus sub, MIT AVt2 speaker cables, IFI Purifier2, AQ Cinnamon USB cable, Groneberg Quatro Reference IC's
Spare Room: Dayens Ampino Integrated Amp, Tjoeb 99 tube CD player (modified Marantz CD-38), Analysis Plus Oval 9's, Zu Jumpers, AudioEngine B1 Streamer, Klipsch RB-61 v2, SVS PB1000 sub, Blue Jeans RCA IC's, Shunyata Hydra 8 Power Conditioner
Living Room: Peachtree Nova Integrated, Cambridge CXN v2 Streamer, Rotel RCD-1072 CD player, Furman 15PFi Power Conditioner, Polk RT265 In Wall Speakers, Polk DSW Pro 660wi sub
Garage #1: Cambridge Audio 640A Integrated Amp, Project Box-E BT Streamer, Polk Tsi200 Bookies, Douglas Speaker Cables, Shunyata Power Conditioner
Garage #2: Cambridge Audio EVO150 Integrated Amplifier, Polk L200's, Analysis Plus Silver Oval 2 Speaker Cables, IC's TBD. -
PM sentHome Theater
Parasound Halo A 31 OnkyoTX-NR838 Sony XBR55X850B 55" 4K RtiA9 Fronts CsiA6 Center RtiA3 Rears FxiA6 Side Surrounds Dual Psw 111's Oppo 105D Signal Ultra Speaker Cables & IC's Signal Magic Power Cable Technics SL Q300 Panamax MR4300 Audioquest Chocolate HDMI Cables Audioquest Forest USB Cable
2 Channel
Adcom 555II Vincent SA-T1 Marantz SA 15S2 Denon DR-M11 Clearaudio Bluemotion SDA 2.3tl's (Z) edition MIT Terminator II Speaker Cables & IC's Adcom 545II Adcom Gtp-450 Marantz CD5004 Technics M245X SDA 2B's, SDA CRS+
Stuff for the Head
JD LABS C5 Headphone Amplifier, Sennheiser HD 598, Polk Audio Buckle, Polk Audio Hinge, Velodyne vPulse, Bose IE2, Sennheiser CX 200 Street II, Sennheiser MX 365
Shower & Off the beaten path Rigs
Polk Audio Boom Swimmer, Polk Audio Urchin -
Looks like you guys are getting messages that say I can’t accept personal payments, I called on this, and the lady I talked to said there are no restrictions on my account, I don’t know what the problem is, and they don’t seem to know either..
Looks like everyone will have to pay the PayPal fees, sorry about this but I don’t know what else to do unless you want to mail payment...
So if we send $105 services, would that cover the fees on your end so you still clear the $100?
Danny -
Worth it!!! What's the percentage, anyone know?
3.5% I believe
Looks like it’s $0.30 + 2.9% so $3.20..
I’m really sorry about this guys, I just called again, they said they see no issues.. -
No worries Larry, this is nothing for all you do and have done for this forum...money sent
payment sent.
Payment sent thanksHome Theater
Parasound Halo A 31 OnkyoTX-NR838 Sony XBR55X850B 55" 4K RtiA9 Fronts CsiA6 Center RtiA3 Rears FxiA6 Side Surrounds Dual Psw 111's Oppo 105D Signal Ultra Speaker Cables & IC's Signal Magic Power Cable Technics SL Q300 Panamax MR4300 Audioquest Chocolate HDMI Cables Audioquest Forest USB Cable
2 Channel
Adcom 555II Vincent SA-T1 Marantz SA 15S2 Denon DR-M11 Clearaudio Bluemotion SDA 2.3tl's (Z) edition MIT Terminator II Speaker Cables & IC's Adcom 545II Adcom Gtp-450 Marantz CD5004 Technics M245X SDA 2B's, SDA CRS+
Stuff for the Head
JD LABS C5 Headphone Amplifier, Sennheiser HD 598, Polk Audio Buckle, Polk Audio Hinge, Velodyne vPulse, Bose IE2, Sennheiser CX 200 Street II, Sennheiser MX 365
Shower & Off the beaten path Rigs
Polk Audio Boom Swimmer, Polk Audio Urchin -
PayPal will flag you as a business of you accept to many personal payments at a time with consistent amounts
Fwiw- Not Tom ::::::: Any system can play Diana Krall. Only the best can play Limp Bizkit. -
PayPal will flag you as a business of you accept to many personal payments at a time with consistent amounts
My thoughts exactly -
You would think they would tell me that when I call.. but makes sense..
@Toolfan66, PM sent.➀Speakers: Polk1.2tl's (Uber Mods) ➁Pre/Amp/DAC: PS Audio BHK Signature & 250, DirectStream ➂Cables/IC's: MIT S1Bi-Wire/S1 Balanced +Avel Lindberg 1000VA "Dreadnought" ➃Power Conditioner: PS Audio P15 Power Plant ➄Power Cords: Core Power Technologies Gold, DH Labs Power Plus DIY w/Neotech NC-P301 & P311ends ➅Streaming: Roon ROCK on wifi'd NUC, TP-Link WAP, & Uptone EtherREGEN, AfterDark, Emperor Double Crown Clock, Black Modernize LPS, PS Audio AirLens⟿Ω☯☥☮⟿🔊♩♪♫♬♩♪♫♬♩♪♫♬
Larry- I will take one. PM sent.
How about zelle?Klipsch The Nines, Audioquest Thunderbird Interconnect, Innuos Zen MK3 W4S recovery, Revolution Audio Labs USB & Ethernet, Border Patrol SE-I, Audioquest Niagara 5000 & Thunder, Cullen Crossover II PC's.
Payment sent. I hope that covers it. If not i will make up (send) the difference.Denon AVR X4200W
Parasound A23 amplifier
Parasound A23 amplifier
LG 65" Ultra HD4k
LG 4kBR - UP970
Denon DVM 4800
Denon DP 3000 turntable
Saec 308sx tonearm w/
Dynavector 10x5 cart
Vincent PHO 701 Phono Preamp
MIT Avt3 Speaker c's
Audio Quest Big Sur ic's
Polk SDA 1C's modded
Polk LSim 707
Polk LSiM706c
Polk RTiA 3's
Polk 80F/X-RT
Polk DSW PRO 440wi sub
Infinity bu2 sub
"The early Klingon gets the Gagh" -
I am getting payments, I will go through who has payed this evening..
Never heard of Zelle,.. -
PM sent Mr. Toolfan
PM sent. That is a beautiful case!
I am getting payments, I will go through who has payed this evening..
Never heard of Zelle,..
Payed?? WTF?? Paid MF!!! LOL!!!
It's ok Larry.Political Correctness'.........defined
"A doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a t-u-r-d by the clean end."
President of Club Polk -
Looks amazing! PM sent.2 Channel: Atohm GT-1 speakers, Atoll IN400 integrated amp, PS Audio DirectStream DAC, PS Audio NuWave Phono Converter, Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit SB with Ortofon Bronze cartridge, SotM sMS-200 ultra streamer, SotM sPS-500 power supply, and homemade infinite baffle subwoofer with two Fi Audio IB318 drivers.
HT: All Polk: SDA 2.3tl fronts, CSiA6 center, 500-LS ceiling, RT/FX, RTi8, Monitor 4 rears, plus Yamaha CX-a5100 AV Preamplifier/Processor, Yamaha MX-a5000 11.1 channel amplifier, and Sony XBR55-AE1 OLED TV.