
  • Re: naked squirrel!

    I like tuttles.
  • Re: Halloween Films

    When I was very young, maybe 11 ish, I used to spend Friday nights at my grandfather's house so I could stay up late to watch the Late, Late Show. One night I watched the original The Thing, from 195…
  • Re: Oppenheimer

    The English Patient - hands down. Longest 160 minutes of my life (and I am really old).
  • Re: Irregardless

    How about turning 'out' into a verb? My father-in-law laughed when he visited us in Pa. and saw a sign in the local laundromat reading "Do not outen cigarettes on the floor". Looked okay to…
  • Re: Irregardless

    How about the use of 'and' in place of 'to'. As in, "I am going to try and buy a new amplifier today". So you and going to try to buy it, and you are going to buy it. What happened to the i…