

  • Re: Karma etiquette

    That's a sad way to go through life and is definitely bad Karma. So anyone who disagrees with you or any of your "buddies" on here is automatically on your "bozo list"? That's lam…
  • Re: Karma etiquette

    That's probably what it should be called. Either that or "Bad Karma" because they aren't doing it for the right reasons to be good karma (the kind most people probably prefer). Really if so…
  • Re: Karma!!! 1.2/1.2TL End Caps

    Fake karma is when a person posts that he's giving stuff away on the forum to everyone except for those who have disagreed with the jackass in the past. As-if that's even a reason to make someone an …
  • Re: Karma etiquette

    Exactly! I can see possibly excluding people who don't like the thing you are giving away (they really are unlikely to appreciate or want it anyway) without naming them specifically but to exclude ce…
  • Re: Ariana Grande tour tragedy

    In comparing the Japanese Empire to the current Jihadists, there are some stark differences. While the Japanese people did worship their Emperor as a god and were willing to kill themselves rather th…