DHT (direct heated triode) of the week: the 2A3
Posts: 34,208
Since we've been chitter-chattering a bit lately about single ended triode amplifiers
this seems like a good opportunity to leverage
a bit of synchronicity:
Tube guru Thomas Mayer's built a 2A3 amp recently, so he added a page on that venerable radio/audio direct-heated audio output power triode on his wonderful blog recently.
Hubba-hubba! I needed a cold drink of water and some fresh air after looking at the photos in that post!

My advice: Spend some quality time listenin' to a SE* 2A3 amp real soon now .
I am.
DSC_0485 (2) by Mark Hardy, on Flickr
* Or a push-pull 2A3 amp. That was Col. Paul W. Klipsch's amplification of choice. Heck, a 2A3 amp can even make his "Heritage" loudspeakers sound good!


Tube guru Thomas Mayer's built a 2A3 amp recently, so he added a page on that venerable radio/audio direct-heated audio output power triode on his wonderful blog recently.
Hubba-hubba! I needed a cold drink of water and some fresh air after looking at the photos in that post!

My advice: Spend some quality time listenin' to a SE* 2A3 amp real soon now .
I am.

* Or a push-pull 2A3 amp. That was Col. Paul W. Klipsch's amplification of choice. Heck, a 2A3 amp can even make his "Heritage" loudspeakers sound good!

Here, thanks to the Wayback Machine, is a PDF copy of the late Chatrles Kittleson's Vacuum Tube Valley magazine (issue number 12), which features the 2A3 tube.
N.B. I am unsure of the copyright status of this material, therefore I offer the link above strictly as is and FWIW. Use the contents prudently.
According to that issue, the 2A3 was introduced in 1933. As far as I know, it has been in production ever since.
Nice! I won't be in DHT game if I didn't accidentally build my Full Range Line Arrays 5-6 years ago. I was playing with 500-1000Watters back then.
Then, I found out that 1.5W from 45 tube is plenty loud to piss off my neighbors and sounded good near field at night.
Well, I am still game with 1000Watters but I love the 1.5W just as much with the high sensitivity speakers.
Trying out Different Audio Cables is a Religious Affair. You don't discuss it with anyone. :redface::biggrin: -
Nice! I won't be in DHT game if I didn't accidentally build my Full Range Line Arrays 5-6 years ago. I was playing with 500-1000Watters back then.
Then, I found out that 1.5W from 45 tube is plenty loud to piss off my neighbors and sounded good near field at night.
Well, I am still game with 1000Watters but I love the 1.5W just as much with the high sensitivity speakers.
Wait, what?
What happened -- some sort of terrible mishap with a Jasper jig & a plunge router?
(source: http://ratch-h.com/farm.html)
... and (in seriousness): Yes, the 45 is something really, really special -- but, as you say, quite low powered and 'spensive ('specially globe 45s).