Dayton DTA-1 mini T-amp - anyone use ?

dee1949 Posts: 1,425
I have used a Lepai mini T-amp for several years. Sound was fine but always had a HUM that was noticeable at higher volumes. Well , for fun, and instead of going drinking with my friends. I put the money into a Dayton DTA-1. I am amazed. No hum and much cleaner sound for $35.00. The cost of 3 Martinis at a bar.

This sucker plays plenty "LOUD" and clean sound


.. Got carried away with the NEW sound and ordered a tube preamp/buffer below:

.... with upgraded tubes below:

... haven't gotten them yet, but for the cost of drinking out, can't go wrong.

I live in Washington DC. A Martini cost $10.00, dinner out with drinks and tip about $60.00. (Cheapest)

Gotta luv new technology. I am sure there is much better !!!! But the journey is necessary and FUN !!

.. Highly recommend , and on plus side, it can be powered by 8 AA batteries.
