Nelson Pass Amp Camp Amp (Dual Mono) Custom built

Posts: 1,605
For sale. This is my version of dual mono Nelson Pass Amp Camp Amps. $350 if you pick it up.
Everything under one chassis. The power supplies and inputs/outputs are still very isolated from each other. Has Hovland Music caps on the output and a ClarityCap PX's on one of the other caps. This has all the other caps upgraded to the Nichicon KA(M) Audio caps. The small update to boost the power is done. Both power supplies are on one connector - a Neutrix connection. Fans are run from a small wall wart that connects to itself via a network connector to make moving it around a bit easier. It takes three outlets to run this. Power supplies are better quality Dell laptop power supplies (the older style).
It does get pretty warm but not so much it would scare me. Ran this is the bedroom 24x7 for a couple of months.
Frequency response 10 - 20 kHz +/- 0.1 dB
• Power per channel 5 Watts per channel (That's 92 decibels coming out of your speakers, assuming you're listening from 10 feet away with 91db efficiency speakers. More than 2 hours at this volume level exceeds occupational safety limits, is more than adequate to annoy your neighbors, and certainly enough to enjoy your music at normal listening levels)
• Distortion 0.7% at 1 Watt (primarily second order harmonic which being even-order is described as "sweet, tubey" and being low-order as "benign/inaudible")
• Input impedencebr 10 Kohm
• Max Gain 14dB
• Damping factor 3
• Output noise 100 uV
• Power supply input 110-240V
• Power supply output 19V 4.74A
• Heat dissipation 20 Watts per Channel

Everything under one chassis. The power supplies and inputs/outputs are still very isolated from each other. Has Hovland Music caps on the output and a ClarityCap PX's on one of the other caps. This has all the other caps upgraded to the Nichicon KA(M) Audio caps. The small update to boost the power is done. Both power supplies are on one connector - a Neutrix connection. Fans are run from a small wall wart that connects to itself via a network connector to make moving it around a bit easier. It takes three outlets to run this. Power supplies are better quality Dell laptop power supplies (the older style).
It does get pretty warm but not so much it would scare me. Ran this is the bedroom 24x7 for a couple of months.
Frequency response 10 - 20 kHz +/- 0.1 dB
• Power per channel 5 Watts per channel (That's 92 decibels coming out of your speakers, assuming you're listening from 10 feet away with 91db efficiency speakers. More than 2 hours at this volume level exceeds occupational safety limits, is more than adequate to annoy your neighbors, and certainly enough to enjoy your music at normal listening levels)
• Distortion 0.7% at 1 Watt (primarily second order harmonic which being even-order is described as "sweet, tubey" and being low-order as "benign/inaudible")
• Input impedencebr 10 Kohm
• Max Gain 14dB
• Damping factor 3
• Output noise 100 uV
• Power supply input 110-240V
• Power supply output 19V 4.74A
• Heat dissipation 20 Watts per Channel

Enabler Extraordinaire
Enabler Extraordinaire
Want!!!....but don't need right now.
My 2 channel doesn't exist anymore until we build a new house in a year. Save it for me.Where’s the KABOOM?!?! There’s supposed to be an Earth shattering KABOOM!!! -
Your prioritization needs some adjustment! Obviously 2 channel comes WAY before new house.Aaron
Enabler Extraordinaire - guys....
$300 but you pay shipping.Aaron
Enabler Extraordinaire -
This one must go also.
Make an offer - we'll talk...Aaron
Enabler Extraordinaire -
Text me in the am. A2.
Also gone! Not here, don't ask. SOLD so to speak.Aaron
Enabler Extraordinaire -
Sort of like a wayward garden gnome -- it's visiting Northern New England this week
DSC_6919 (2) by Mark Hardy, on Flickr
That is an incredibly cool machine. Whom ever built that is just an electronic genius!!!Aaron
Enabler Extraordinaire -
I daresay
As your avatar might sayIt's alive!