Any experience with vintage McIntosh speakers?

I have heard HD series and they are fine but didn't think they are as good as the ML series.

I got a pair of ML-1C that needs some work.
I heard them at a friend's place and they sounded really nice.
Anyone here heard them?
Thanks for chiming in...


Klipsch RB81, KG3.5, B&W DM602.5, Polk.
Subwoofers: Klipsch RW10, Triad ProSub Bronze.


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  • Posts: 2,185
    I recently acquired a pair of ML1C's to and I like them very much. You do need the mq101 or 102 in order to get the 20hz bass that they're capable of out of them. They're not efficient at all because of the over damped woofer but so far this hasn't been a problem for me. I'm currently running mine with a 160wpc kenwood 9600 receiver. So far mine have embarrassed every single similarly sized speaker that I've ever owned. Even my beloved ads collection is pale in comparison to them. Talon khorus, ba400's avid 330's are a few others they've out shined in the short time they've been here. The one and only speaker I own that they can't best though are my 1.2tl's. I won't even match them up as it's not fair to the Mac's. Get yours refoamed with the correct foams, pair them up with an mq and I'm betting you'll be quite pleased.
    PS. Have you ever seen a more solidly built speaker?
  • Posts: 2,546
    Thanks for comment.

    Yes, they are very solid weighing 65 lbs.
    The 12" woofer has huge roll so need to order specific foam as what I have won't work with it.
    I haven't even tested them so that's something to check before ordering.
    My friend had them along with newer model of McIntosh bookshelves (kinda oval looking, forgot model) and both pairs sounded very good.
    The newer model had better high end but the 1C's had better mid and low end.
    He had Forte pre with some high end amp that I don't have so won't be the same but we'll see how it goes.

    If they are really that good, may be I can retire my favorite A400's. :wink:

    Klipsch RB81, KG3.5, B&W DM602.5, Polk.
    Subwoofers: Klipsch RW10, Triad ProSub Bronze.
  • Posts: 2,546
    I have bunch of 12" foam lying around but they all have 5/8" roll instead of the 3/4" roll as needed for the ML-1C's.
    Oh well, need to order proper foam as these have some potential.

    Klipsch RB81, KG3.5, B&W DM602.5, Polk.
    Subwoofers: Klipsch RW10, Triad ProSub Bronze.
  • Posts: 2,185
    I had heard that about them sounding "darkish". I use the mq101 on Mac's recommended settings and don't find the top end rolled off at all.
    Yes once you get them done with the proper foams you need to a+b them with the ba400's. I'd be interested to hear your results.
  • Posts: 2,546
    I use the mq101 on Mac's recommended settings and don't find the top end rolled off at all.
    I don't think I'll get the equalizers.
    They are over twice what I paid for the speakers. :frowning:

    Klipsch RB81, KG3.5, B&W DM602.5, Polk.
    Subwoofers: Klipsch RW10, Triad ProSub Bronze.
  • Posts: 2,185
    Mystery wrote: »
    I don't think I'll get the equalizers.
    They are over twice what I paid for the speakers. :frowning:

    if that's the case you probably won't care for them. Go to Roger Russell's site and see why Mac's eq is a must on these and several other mac speakers.
  • Posts: 2,546

    if that's the case you probably won't care for them. Go to Roger Russell's site and see why Mac's eq is a must on these and several other mac speakers.

    Thanks for mentioning that.
    Very interesting read:

    These speakers kept their value unlike most other vintage speakers.
    ML-1C retailed for $624 and MQ101 FOR $250.

    MQ102 is cheaper so I'll keep an eye for them.

    The same effect may be achievable using other equalizer and measuring frequency curve from a sine wave sweep to adjust low frequencies. Hmmm...

    Klipsch RB81, KG3.5, B&W DM602.5, Polk.
    Subwoofers: Klipsch RW10, Triad ProSub Bronze.
  • Posts: 2,185
    Yes just like most Mac gear these oldies held their value quite well to. I almost fell out of my chair replying to the craigs ad that had mine listed for $200 including the mq101.
    I dunno if you could get the same effect from another eq or not. I'm thinking it's a lot like the bose 901's eq which is made for the 901 and nothing else works quite as well. But at least it'll get you in the ballpark.
  • Posts: 2,546
    I dunno if you could get the same effect from another eq or not. I'm thinking it's a lot like the bose 901's eq which is made for the 901 and nothing else works quite as well. But at least it'll get you in the ballpark.

    I see there is different knob setting when the speaker is against the wall, far and above the floor, in corner etc...
    It'd be helpful if there is an explanation on what the equalizer does in what speaker setup so we can replicate the same thing using other equalizers.
    I have a nice Onkyo 7-band equalizer that I can finally put to some use...

    Klipsch RB81, KG3.5, B&W DM602.5, Polk.
    Subwoofers: Klipsch RW10, Triad ProSub Bronze.
  • Posts: 2,185
    Yes the eq also has different gain settings on it to. Mac recommends cutting back the gain when using it in the tape loop. They were correct as it does sound better this way. The preferred method according to them is on 0db and run through the pre out main in. Again this sounds better to me than the way I had it configured of full on thru the tape loop. I also adjusted accordingly when I moved my 1's from their corner placement out into the room where they are now. I boosted the low end knob one click and voila there's the same bass I had when they had corner placement.
    I don't use or need any loudness compensation or tone controls on the receiver. Your Onkyo will probably due just fine I'm thinking until you can land a 101 or 102.
    I wish I could be of more help on what their exact settings are. What I do know though is their recommendations are spot on.
  • Posts: 740
    I have noticed that when an honest and knowledgeable speaker owner advertises his speakers, and shows the rotten surrounds in the for sale pictures, it stops almost everyone from bidding. The average Joe has no idea that surrounds can be replaced fairly cheaply. Even the highly specialized, odd size and shape surrounds.
  • Posts: 2,185
    Any updates on your ml's Mystery? Have you had a look at their innards yet?
  • Just found these McIntosh ISOPALARS Cenral Jersey C/L for $650. Way out of my range and my living room is starting to look like a neat Crazy Eddie's show room so I'm done for a while. No affiation just cruising. The true answer is I always coveted anything Mac like the 2105---C-28/pre combo w/ a Dual 1229 but it never happened.btw that guy is still trying to off his 2Bs @ $350 for quite a while.
    2-chl-Adcom555-NAD 1020a pre--JVC QL-200TT--Grado FT+cart--Denon1941cdp--Samson surge pro--Yamaha RX-V665avr-ysd dock-i-pod---Toshiba au40'' flat
    '87Polk Audio SDA 2b(modded)--DCM TF 350s-- ADC-303AX--AAL2way--JBL-2060
    Nikko 6065 receiver--Sony ns300cpd---JBL g-200 bookies
  • Posts: 2,546
    Any updates on your ml's Mystery? Have you had a look at their innards yet?

    Not yet.
    Entire 1st floor is being replaced by hardwood so everything is at a stop for at least a week.

    Klipsch RB81, KG3.5, B&W DM602.5, Polk.
    Subwoofers: Klipsch RW10, Triad ProSub Bronze.
  • Posts: 2,546
    DSkip wrote: »

    I paid less than that for my Ushers. No way I could pull out that kind of money for those things.

    Never heard Ushers so can't compare but ML-1C did sound great at my friend's place.
    I think a lot to pay over $500 for anything audio, even for the Sonus Faber I just got. :wink:

    Klipsch RB81, KG3.5, B&W DM602.5, Polk.
    Subwoofers: Klipsch RW10, Triad ProSub Bronze.
  • Posts: 151
    edited December 2020
    I recently acquired a pair of ML1C's to and I like them very much. You do need the mq101 or 102 in order to get the 20hz bass that they're capable of out of them. They're not efficient at all because of the over damped woofer but so far this hasn't been a problem for me. I'm currently running mine with a 160wpc kenwood 9600 receiver. So far mine have embarrassed every single similarly sized speaker that I've ever owned. Even my beloved ads collection is pale in comparison to them. Talon khorus, ba400's avid 330's are a few others they've out shined in the short time they've been here. The one and only speaker I own that they can't best though are my 1.2tl's. I won't even match them up as it's not fair to the Mac's. Get yours refoamed with the correct foams, pair them up with an mq and I'm betting you'll be quite pleased.
    PS. Have you ever seen a more solidly built speaker?

    I know this is an older comment, but not sure starting a new thread would help as this is quite a niche speaker all these years later.

    I had the fun experience of hearing 2 of the older McIntosh speakers a few months ago. The ML-1C and the ML-2C.
    My search for more into on them brought me to this thread!

    I totally agree, with the EQ, No speaker near the small size of the ICs can even come close bass wise. That woofer has some huge (for the time) excursion and deep bass ability.

    The bigger brother ML-2C for all intents sounded fairly similar, but Deep bass wise was even more relaxed and powerful when the music demanded it.

    I agree the small Ml-1C probably would not outdo the far larger 1.2Tls, but kind of apples versus oranges.They have an inherently different sound goal, and in all honesty are far smaller speakers. But Deep bass is very equal for sure!

    Do yourself a favor, if you can find the larger model, the ML-2C, it expands on what the "Small" model does, and the bass is so deep and even more at ease.

    In my audition of the larger model, it easily bests any Polk in deep bass, but I preferred the Polk delivery in the mids and highs better somewhat.

    Again a totally different type of speakers.

  • Posts: 2,185
    Wow what an old thread.....FWIW I acquired a 2nd pair of ML1C's so I was able to do stacked ML's in parallel and in series. I also recapped all 4 of them which was a huge upgrade over the original cheap temple caps. Shortly there after a pair of Bozak concert grands turned up locally and found their way here As a result of that I bid farewell to all the ML1C's.

    The fellow that I sold them to claims that when they're stacked they sound very similar to his pair of ML2C's. One thing I do remember about them is they were a very easy load to drive even when stacked. I kinda miss them but in the end I couldn't keep em all.


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